Recipe for Pithale

This is a Recipe for preparing Pithale. Pithale is a main course Maharashtrian dish prepared using Gram Flour as the main ingredient and is a part and parcel of the diet of common folks in Maharashtra. Ingredients 2 Cup Besan (Gram Flour) 2 Onions 2 Tomatoes 1 Cup Coriander leaves Salt and Sugar to taste… Continue reading Recipe for Pithale

Recipe for Mixed Dal Usal

This is a Recipe for preparing at home healthy and nutritious typical Maharashtrian Style Kaddhanya chi Usal or Mixed Dal Usal. This Teen Kaddhanya chi Usal is an authentic Maharashtrian mixed pulses dish, which is prepared using three types of  lentils. Ingredients 2 Cups mixed Red Chana, Moong and Matki (clean and sprouted) For Tadka 4… Continue reading Recipe for Mixed Dal Usal

Recipe for Strawberry Shrikhand

This is a Recipe for Strawberry Shrikhand. This is simple Maharashtrian recipe for Shrikhand; a traditional and popular sweet dish, served on festivals and auspicious occasions. Ingredients ½ Kg Curd (hung overnight in a soft clean muslin cloth) 200 Gram Sugar 2-3 drops Strawberry Essence 10-12 Crushed Strawberries ½ Table spoon Almonds crushed Preparation In… Continue reading Recipe for Strawberry Shrikhand

Recipe for Farasbi Bhaji or Shravani Ghevada Chi Bhaji

This isa authentic Maharashtrian recipe for preparing Farasbi Bhaji also called as the Shravani Ghevada Chi Bhaji (French Beans). Another common vegetable preparation for the main course. Ingredients 250 Gram Farasbi (wash and cut in small size) 3-4 Green Chilies Sugar and Salt to taste 1 Table spoon Ground nut powder For Tadka 1 Table… Continue reading Recipe for Farasbi Bhaji or Shravani Ghevada Chi Bhaji

Maharashtrian Recipe for Dudhi Bhoplyachi Bhaji

This is a authentic Maharashtrian Recipe for preparing Dudhi Bhoplyachi Bhaji (Bottle Gourd). One of the everyday vegetable items for meals in Maharashtra. Dudhi Bhoplyachi Bhaji Preparation Time: 25 Minutes Serves: 4 Persons Ingredients 250 Grams Dudhi Bhopla 1 Table spoon Green Gram Dal (soak for ½ hours) 3-4 Green Chilies 1 Tea spoon Cumin-Coriander… Continue reading Maharashtrian Recipe for Dudhi Bhoplyachi Bhaji

Recipe for Amabyachi Vadi

This is a Recipe for making at home sweet and tasty Amabyachi Vadi. A typical traditional Maharashtrian sweet dish preparation using Mango Pulp. The preparation method for making this delicious Mango Burfi given by me is very simple, basic and not time consuming. Preparation Time: 30 Minutes Serves: 30-35 Vadi Ingredients ¼ Kg Mango Pulp… Continue reading Recipe for Amabyachi Vadi