This is a Maharashtrian Recipe to prepare Bhendi chi Bhaji; a preparation of Lady Finger vegetable for the main course in the authentic and traditional Mahatashtrian style of cooking. Ingredients ¼ Kg Lady Fingers [Bhendi] 2 Medium size Potato ½ Tea spoon Red Chili powder Salt & Sugar to taste Coconut & Coriander For Tadka… Continue reading Recipe for Bhendi chi Bhaji
Category: Maharashtrian Bhaji Preparations
Recipe for Beans [Shravan Ghevda] Vegetable
This is a recipe for Beans [Shravan Ghevda] Vegetable. A traditional Maharashtrian main course vegetable dish. Ingredients ¼ Kg Beans [Shravan Ghevda] (cut in small pieces) 1 Small Onion (cut in small Pieces) 3 Green Chilies (cut in small pieces) Salt to taste 1 Tea spoon Sugar ½ Cup Coriander ¼ Cup Coconut (shredded) 1… Continue reading Recipe for Beans [Shravan Ghevda] Vegetable
Recipe for Cauliflower-Potato Rassa
This is a Recipe for Cauliflower-Potato Rassa – Flower Batata Patal Rassa in Marathi. This is a typical but popular and traditional Maharashtrian specialty dish. Ingredients ½ Kg Cauliflower 2 Potatoes (medium size) ½ fresh Coconut 4-5 Red Chilies 1 Tea spoon Coriander seeds ½ Tea spoon Turmeric powder 5-6 Black Pepper corns 3 Onions… Continue reading Recipe for Cauliflower-Potato Rassa
Recipe for Cabbage Vegetable [Kobi chi Bhaji]
This is a recipe for Cabbage Vegetable [Sukhi Kobi chi bhaji]. This is an authentic and traditional Maharashtrian recipe. Ingredients ¼ Kg Cabbage (cut in small pieces) ¼ Cup Chana Dal (soak for 30 minutes) 2-3 Green Chilies (cut in medium size) 2 Table spoon Coconut (shredded) ¼ Cup Coriander 1 Tea spoon Sugar Salt… Continue reading Recipe for Cabbage Vegetable [Kobi chi Bhaji]
Recipe for Potato Vegetable [Batatyachi Bhaji]
This is a Recipe for Potato Vegetable [Batatyachi Bhaji]. This is a typical Maharashtrian dish which is prepared on a fasting day. Preparation Time: 30 Minutes Serves: 4 Persons Ingredients ½ Kg Potatoes (boiled, pealed and cut in small size pieces or mashed) 4 Green Chilies ½ Table spoon lemon juice 1 Tea spoon Sugar… Continue reading Recipe for Potato Vegetable [Batatyachi Bhaji]
Recipe for Maharashtrian Baingan Bharta -2
This Recipe is for preparing Baingan Bharta. This dish is called Vangyache Bharit in Marathi and considered to be an authentic Maharashtrian Speciality dish. Another version of the Maharashtrian Style Vangyache Bharit recipe in published in this – Article Preparation Time: 30 Minutes Serves: 4 Persons Ingredients 1 Table spoon Ghee 1 Tea spoon Cumin… Continue reading Recipe for Maharashtrian Baingan Bharta -2
Recipe for Shahi Palak
शाही पालक रेसीपी पालक म्हंटले की डोळ्याच्या समोर हिरवीगार जुडी येते. आपण बाजारात गेलो की पाले भाज्या पाहतो. मग मस्त हिरवी गार पालकची जुडी दिसली की आपण लगेच घेतो आपल्याला गरज नसेल तरी घेतो. पालकचे आपण वेगवगळे प्रकार बनवतो. पालक पनीर, डाळ पालक, बटाटा पालक, पालक पनीर पुलाव इ. पालक आपल्या आरोग्याच्या दृष्टीने हितव्ह आहे… Continue reading Recipe for Shahi Palak