This is a Recipe for tasty Donuts for kid’s Tiffin, you child will simply love this egg donut for its flavor, a blend of egg and vanilla.
2 Eggs
2 Tea spoon Sugar
4 Table spoon Semolina (suji)
2-3 Drops Vanilla Essence
4 Table spoon Sugar Powder
Ghee for deep frying the Donuts

Break the Egg in a bowl and beat with a fork, add Sugar and again beat, then add the Semolina and Vanilla Essence and mix it nicely. The donut batter is ready.
Heat the Ghee in a Kadha and pour a teaspoon of the batter into the Kadhai. Then deep-fry the Donuts until the color changes into Pink.
Remove the Donuts from a Kadhai and arrange them over the tissue paper. Sprinkle the powdered Sugar over the Donuts.