This is a simple step-by-step Recipe for preparing at home soft, sweet, tasty and crystal-free Ice-Cream Parlor Style Vanilla Ice Cream.
First, you have to prepare the Basic Ice-Cream and then add whatever flavor you wish, this recipe describes the easy method to make delicious Vanilla Ice-Cream at home.
The Marathi language version of the same Ice-Cream preparation method can be seen here- Vanilla Ice-Cream Recipe
Basic Preparation Time: 20 Minutes
Basic Ice Cream Freezing Time: 7-8 Hours
Vanilla Flavor Preparation Time: 15 Minutes
Vanilla Ice Cream Freezing Time: 2-3 Hours
Serves: 6 Persons
Basic Ice Cream
2 Cup Milk (cow milk)
5 Tablespoon Sugar
2 Tablespoon Milk Powder
1 ½ Tablespoon Corn Flour
1 ½ Tablespoon GMS Powder
¼ Teaspoon Stabilizer Powder
For the Vanilla Ice Cream
½ Cup Fresh Cream
½ Teaspoon Vanilla Essence

Keep a cup of Milk for boiling on a slow flame.
In the remaining Milk add the Corn Flour, Sugar, Milk Powder, GMS Powder, and Stabilizer Powder, mix it well and pour into the boiling Milk. Keep stirring on a slow flame for five minutes. Then keep it aside for cooling.
After cooling, keep the utensil into the refrigerator for about 7-8 hours. Then remove from the refrigerator and cut the Basic Ice Cream into 1” pieces. Add the ½-Cup Fresh Cream, Vanilla Essence and blend the Ice Cream with a blender for five minutes, keep the utensil into the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.
While serving Ice Cream garnish with Chocolate or Strawberry Sauce.