Simple Recipe for Mocha Coffee

This is a simple Recipe for making at home refreshing Mocha Coffee. In this coffee are contained lots of Proteins, Calories and Calcium. This coffee is tasty and also good for health. The Marathi language version of this recipe can be seen here – Delicious Mocha Coffee Preparation Time: 20 Minutes Serves: 1 Person Ingredients… Continue reading Simple Recipe for Mocha Coffee

Recipe to prepare Banana Milk

This is another extremely simple recipe to prepare healthy and nutritious Banana Milk, known in the Hindi language as the Dudh Kela Milkshake. This is another extremely simple recipe to prepare Banana Milk. This Milkshake can be prepared in a matter of few minutes if nothing else is available. Preparation Time: 10 Minutes Serves: 4… Continue reading Recipe to prepare Banana Milk